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Home / Events and iniziatives / Matrioska #14

Matrioska #14

Event for the world's longest New Year celebrations
Palazzo del Podestà e alla Sala dell’Arengo - Rimini historic centre

In Rimini, twice a year, in May and December, artisans, designers, creatives and visionaries come together in a single container: it’s Matrioska, the itinerant lab store, a container for artist that produce unique pieces made by hand, which inhabits the forgotten places of the city. 
On 7th, 8 th and 9th December the light of Matrioska # 14 will shine over Piazza Cavour, at “Sala dell'Arengo” and “Palazzo del Podestà”.
Matrioska is a research area where artists, artisans and craftsmen imagine and produce handmade pieces, exchange ideas and show innovative ways of communication: creativity, research and dexterity are the key words of the project.
This year, 82 craftsmen have been chosen: they are the excellences of the most traditional creative craftsmanship, such as clothing, jewelery or furniture.
This special market-exhibition will be accompanied by music, performances, cocktails and lots of fun.
For the # 14 edition, the Matrioska Academy also returns, offering workshops for adults: hand-crafted typography, construction of vegetable Christmas decorations up to porcelain cooking.
The food court offers eight different proposals, ranging from the Romagna tradition to vegan alternatives.
During the evenings on Fridays and Saturdays the food court is enlivened with OFF !: Friday evening with Flora Botanica dj, Saturday evening with Enrico Rosica dj.
To the youngest is dedicated the “Doposcuola”, with animated readings and dextery courses for children, while at the Sala della Musica of the Galli Theater on Friday and Saturday conferences by “La Fucina”, organized together with the Order of Architects: protagonists on Friday 7th at 9.00 pm the architecture firm Alessandro Bucci Architetti, Saturday 8 at 18 the architecture firm Burnazzi Feltrin Architects.
The Theater will also host the moments of the Academy where you do not work with your hands but with your head: at Matrioska # 14 the guest is Omar Vulpinari, who will give lessons and courses in design thinking and service design.
This year's edition is dedicated to Piazza Cavour: if the 82 craftsmen will occupy the Palazzo del Podestà and Sala dell'Arengo spaces, the Sala della Musica of Amintore Galli Theatre will host a series of conferences dedicated to Design, while the Garden of Paolo and Francesca, in the back of the square, together with the Portico dell'Arengo, will be the spaces dedicated to the eno-gastronomic and recreational offer of Matrioska.
The whole image of the event is all about three geniuses, plus one, who lived Piazza Cavour in three different ways. Giuseppe Verdi who inaugurated the Galli Theater, Leonardo da Vinci who admired the harmony of the Fontana della Pigna and Giovanni Pascoli who lived in front of the Vecchia Pescheria in his student years. And finally the Peacock, a symbol of wonder when it appears in a Cavour square covered with snow in the Amarcord by Federico F

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Period of development: 
7th - 8th - 9th December 2018
Last update date: 10/12/2018 - 09:09
Piazza Cavour
44° 3' 38.3796" N, 12° 33' 57.4596" E