Impressionism and Caravaggio are the two new great exhibitions due in Autumn at Sismondo Castle

Published on: 28 January 2015

Three great exhibitios with art masterpieces famous all over the world choose Rimini as their venue.

After the great exhibition From Rembrandt to Gauguin and Picasso. The enchant of painting in Rimini which closed on 21st March 2010, next winter (from 23rd October 2010 to 27th March 2011) people will have the chance of visiting two new exhibitions “Paris. The wonderful years - Impressionism against Salon ” and “Caravaggio and other artists of the seventeenth century - Masterpieces from the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, USA ”, once again in the beautiful rooms of Sismondo Castle.

The exhibitions are organized by Marco Goldin, promoted by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Rimini and by Linea d'ombra Libri

Here they are in details: 

> “Paris. The wonderful years - Impressionism against Salon ” and “Caravaggio and other artists of the seventeenth century - Masterpieces from the  Wadsworth Atheneum di Hartford”
From 23rd October 2010 to 27th March 2011 Sismondo Castle in Rimini will hosts other two exhibitions of very high quality.

"Paris. The wonderful years - Impressionism against Salon " 
Oon show round 70 paintings from several European and American museums and private collections. The exhibition follows the extraordinary period in which Paris became the centre of the world in the XIX century. A literary section within the exhibition with works from Baudelaire to Zola and Proust, explains the strict link between painters and writers.

“Caravaggio and painters of the seventeenth century - Masterpieces from the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford"
It is an exhibition of exceptional quality, all focused on the best masterpieces of the seventeenth-century in Europe, and first of all on Caravaggio, with its "ecstasy of San Francesco d’Assisi", (1594).
An extraordinary occasion to admire works coming from the oldest museum in the United States of America, the Wadsworth Atheneum in Hartford, Connecticut. 
The "other painters of the seventeenth century," as the title mentions, are represented with masterpieces by Gentileschi, Strozzi, Morazzone, the Saracens in Italy, Ribera and Zurbaran in Spain, Le Sueur in France, and also by Sweerts, Van Dyck and Hals, which means that all the great Masters are here with masterpieces of great dimensions.