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Home / Events and iniziatives / Voci nei chiostri - Choir concerts

Voci nei chiostri - Choir concerts

Choir festival in the cloisters and churches in Rimini
347 2573878
Rimini, Chiesa dei Salesiani, Chiostro delle Grazie, Lapidario in Rimini City Museum, Chiostro Biblioteca Comunale di Rimini and Chiesa Nostra Signora di Fatima in Rivabella - Rimini city and hillside

Vocal music has always been performed in cloisters, courtyards and spaces dedicated to the worship or the civil life. The choir festival aims to recreate this harmony of sounds that for centuries could be heard in the city.
The choirs propose a repertoire that range from sacred to the modern music and the voices, a cappella or accompanied by instruments, will create suggestive atmospheres in these special venues. The concerts will be a moment of emotion and listening to music as well as a discovering of the historic places where the performances take place, magnificent arcades, roman gardens, evocative cloisters in Rimini and the hillside. Artistic director of the festival is Andrea Angelini.
See detailed program

Period of development: 
10th June to 19th July 2015
Last update date: 09/06/2015 - 10:36