Smiting® Festival 8° edition

RADIOSITY – Libertà on Air

7th - 25th April 2017
Multiple Events

Smiting®, is an Italian cultural festival with focus on surreal creativity, irony and unconventionality.
In the edition 2017, the festival will create a utopian mini-city that starts from the space Ala Nuova in the City Museum, and extends to Cineteca, the film archive, and the Novelli Theatre with exhibitions, music, graphic art, online technology and open source, in a tribute to the Radio in FM and today's web: an universal concept of freedom of expression, creator of real communities and specific social and historical windows, international, Italian and territorial.
This edition will be rich of events beginning with a film, 7th April, and the award ceremony of the film's authors.
The calendar continues with the opening of the exhibition, 'Radiosity – Libertà on air’ in the space Ala Nuova of the City Museum (from 8th to 25th April with free admission). On display there is Giorgio Vivaldi’s installation "P(A)NKPOSTPUNK’ together and other  artists, all with experiences in alternative culture in the Rimini area.
In the period between the Easter holidays and 25th April there will be events such as 'Smiting Soirée', 21st April, an ironic talk show with short films and the final of the 'No Sense Contest', followed on 22nd April by conversations and insights with big Italian rock musicians such as Andrea Chimenti and Antonio Aiazzi.
There are also scheduled live concerts: from the event ‘Je Suis Punk’, Sunday 9th April at Grotta Rossa in Rimini, with two concerts, ‘Alternative Station’ and ‘Pin Up Noise’ and 'Smiting Black-out', the live concert by Gianni Maroccolo, Sunday 23rd April at the Novelli Theatre.
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