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Food experience

Much of the famous Italian way of life, knowing how to experience an Italian lifestyle, is experimenting in the kitchen, and here it is still possible to come and try it out. The local cuisine is the result of a history that goes way back and has produced a unique food culture, capable of blending peasant tradition and cuisine of the ducal and papal courts. Fresh egg pasta rolled by a rolling pin, cured meats and Parmigiano-Reggiano are the undisputed protagonists of the table, products with a community trademark that become ingredients for the most renowned of Italian gastronomy. Typical dishes based on recipes handed down from generation to generation, with as many variants as there were housewives, now become the heritage of the best restaurants of the area. Pleasures that can indeed be enjoyed not just at the table: dairies and wine cellars, farms and mills are open to guided tours of their fascinating work cycles, as well as more and more popular cooking schools, where one learns the art of ‘browsing’. Some companies also open their doors in special periods, in order to allow visitors to experience first-hand, practices of great charm, such as grape harvesting..
making pasta

Food and wine tourism is a new way of traveling that is conquering a growing number of enthusiasts, in search of...

Rimini Street Food

Food itineraries 'on the road' that speak of the local territory through the best of its street foods. It's called...

Food Experience

It was once said the custom of offering wine instead of water to travellers marked their entry into Romagna. Bell...

Food experience

Rimini is a land of genuine flavours and that loves the art of eating well. To check, just sit in any restaurant on...

The cuisine of Romagna, rich in flavors and history, immediately brings to mind of diners gathered around a table to...